The advantage of dynamic integrated processing systems are that you can place custom applications on a single site and achieved with greater efficiency in a fraction of the time.
Faster time to production is what makes our diversification of financial packages more attractive from the investor because the revenue streams are generated in 9 to 18 months from funding released.
With the space of two of the pair units above we can process 45,000 ppm salinity brine like the type that would come from a power plant or desalination plant. The processor space of just 2,000 square feet can handle over 16,000 m3/day to high grade potable water. No blending or other treatment is required.
Initial area testing requires extensive evaluation of the constituents as well as the feed water evaluations including soil and holding pond sediments to build for any possible past or ongoing toxic waste. What the waste is we no not care, just accounted for in the design model.
The site would need to be designed to our engineers specification and for the finance company we would need to hold the title of property or solid lease for two times the length of the processing agreement.
Client would need to qualify with fully approved securities to the amount three times the annual production agreement value.
With a 8.6-10 foot wide, and 20-40 foot long modular system we can design systems as the first stage processing 100% of the wastewater sludge from a 16,000 m3/day sewage treatment plant. Length and width will be designed based on the input constituent parameters. Water specifications in the second stage processor as per client requirements can be for industrial, commercial and or agriculture directly from the unit or by adding our water polishing processors we would be able to make up to 70% of the volume processed into high grade potable water, exceeding any bottling water standards. In the second processor we can design our integrated molecular refinery for fuel production that can be sized to the projects requirements.